Friday, November 22, 2013

The Progress of Wellness

   The ideological mainstay behind wellness is preventative health. Healthcare is important. And proper coverage is a growing necessity. But one cannot ask people, whose true objective is profit, to properly and holistically take care of you and an asset so vital as your health. This is your responsibility.

   As we see the rising costs of health care confound us all you must know that the truth behind these costs is not some contrived scheme to make us all suffer financially. The catalyst is the adverse health of a nation. People with poor coverage or no coverage get sick. They need medical attention. Because they must be treated, regardless of whether they have coverage or not, this means that the money to admit and treat them must come from somewhere. This money comes from the government. And this money comes from your pockets. Rising premiums, soaring deductibles in the Affordable Care Act era are due to this issue.
   But before we start pointing fingers, it is possible you may have contributed to this problem. Whether or not you can afford mandated coverage is not the crux of the issue. At its core we are dealing with an unhealthy nation. We are talking about adults who cannot climb a flight of steps without needing to rest out of sheer exhaustion. We are talking about teenagers who cannot complete a mile run without stopping to gasp for breath.

   Let's face the reality: not everyone can afford mandated healthcare coverage. This is not a Medicaid problem. I'm talking about true job holding tax payers who no longer have the stature of a middle class citizen, seeking to revive the ghosts of Detroit and their subsidiaries, who pay their bills but when the bills are paid there is nothing left.
   Understanding this, it is impossible to expect the problem to disappear. If middle class citizens pay more of money they don't have to help cover people who truly cannot afford it, the purchasing power of citizens is further crippled and it isn't long before the economy falls back into recession or worse.
   Not to dabble but mandating folks have healthcare coverage is not going to curb the problem. Poor folks can only and barely afford coverage. This in turn means they must pay a higher deductible and unreasonable copay. No matter how you cut it, there will always be people- many people- who cannot afford health insurance.
   There is only one way to truly tackle this problem That is wellness as preventative health. It is was and will be our nation's gateway to the future and the mannerisms of wealth we are accustomed to. Failure to do so will result in our steady decline. A healthier you means a more conscious you, a more able you. Health is at the fabric of any society. And to pretend that it isn't is unpatriotic.
   The face of America is changing. and life is evolving, setting about a new course to those who depend on the old way of doing things: I clock in, clock out and if I do this for thirty years I can retire when I'm 50. That is the old way.

   I go in I bust my butt and I'll be lucky to have the same job next week or even tomorrow. And yet this is no way to make a living. This is no way to live- it induces too much stress that offers its own set of health problems.
   These days one needs their employment through their employer coupled with employment through their own ingenuity. Money off the books, possibly a little unsteady but absolutely necessary. The ability to create your own product, institute its value and make it a crafted commodity among your peers. This is the new model for American living. And it works.
   The problem is it demands much time. Gone are the days when you came home at 5 o'clock and ran around with the children for two hours. 1) By the time you pick them up you  are both dead tired. 2) they probably don't want to go outside anyway.
   But with less available recreation time, it becomes even more necessary to live well. You cannot afford not to.  And it is trending, wellness is becoming a staple of health insurance programs because they don't want you to get sick either! They want you to be afraid you may get sick so that they can collect your premium and deductible but unless they  can successfully pass you off to their pharmaceutical benefactors you actually getting sick forces them to pay medical expenses  as well. They have found out the well hidden secret that we all know but many of us choose to ignore: healthy individuals are more productive and less expensive to maintain. You should take notes.
   You are not mandated to have a government approved wellness program. You should be but you are not. You are not penalized for not having a gym membership or overlooked for not having a personal trainer. Imagine such a thing. No it is your choice. And we are here at this point of healthcare bickering because people were running around with bare bones or no health care coverage at all and they were living unhealthy lives. Something had to change. We may not necessarily like the change we've inherited through the notorious Obamacare but something had to change.
   Here is the truth: we cannot afford to be unhealthy! You deserve better, your family deserves better. Your community deserves better and damn it, so does your country. WE cannot afford for YOU to be unhealthy any longer.
   The curious thing about change is that even when everyone agrees that it is needed, no one can come up with a gainful solution much less agree on one. The reason is not for lack of intelligence or human stupidity. The reason is lack of will. Even when change is necessary it is not easy. It is uncomfortable and it often feels foreign. But if you lack the will to change, by default you agree to the effects of staying the current course of which you are most familiar.
   Now is the time to invest in your own wellness. Improve your health and your lifestyle will improve as well.

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