Weight loss and weight gain are scientific protocols. It has nothing to do with luck, hope, or suggestion, or some nutritional supplement with exotic ingredients. There are formulas and you must follow them. If you follow the math your body will do the science for you. Our programs are structured around this and this is why we guarantee their effectiveness.
Observe the following: 3500 calories equals 1lb of body fat. Therefore the goal with any comprehensive weight loss program is to reduce your caloric intake by 3500 calories weekly and increase the key nutrients needed for your body to overcome this caloric deficit and replace your reduced calories with muscle building ingredients and fat reducing nutrition.
First find your basal metabolic rate BMR. This is the amount of energy your body expends on a daily basis allowing for calories burned. As a general rule, the healthier you are the higher your BMR will be. For women the formula is as follows: 655+ (4.35x weight) + (4.7x height in inches)- (4.7x age in years).
For men the formula is as follows: 66+ (6.23x weight in pounds) + (12.7x height in inches)- (6.8x age in years). This is important because you must understand how many calories your body burns as standard. Once you understand that it is necessary to then determine how many calories you can and should burn throughout each workout and what your daily calorie intake limit is and should be. You must work with your trainer or consultant to safely determine this because this is determined by your age, weight, lifestyle and medical conditions.
If you have a BMR of 2000, this means that you need 2000 calories to maintain your current body weight. If your goal is weight loss we need to determine how many calories to burn in order to help you reach a steady course of weight reduction. The math here is simple: 3500 calories equals 1lbs of body fat. Therefore in order to chart a consistent course of weight reduction, it makes sense to reduce your caloric intake by 500 each day seven days a week meaning you will lose about 1lbs each week, all other factors remaining constant.
Hopefully you have also chosen to engage in an active lifestyle as well. If so, you can be further encouraged knowing that if you exercise effectively you will burn an additional lbs of body fat each week losing an average of 2-3lbs each week.
Your efforts will not be offset by lean muscle gains; this is a myth. This is a myth because while you can safely lose 1lbs of body fat every 4.5 days it takes 2-4 weeks to add 1lbs of lean muscle because the weight loss nutrition plan will not allow you to add a disproportionate amount of muscle. This is why women need not worry about "bulking up" from lifting weights. Weight training is neccessary because it will increase your BMR which will maintain your new fitness progress and keep the weight off. Understand however that the 2-4 weeks it takes to add 1lbs of lean muscle can only be accomplished through consistency. If you take a day off that is not listed in your fitness program you will pay for it. If you do not complete your scheduled exercises according to your program you will pay for it. Just as weight loss will not happen unless you are eating properly, whatever you lose cannot be sustained unless you exercise properly as well. Do not squander your time and money simply because you did not have the discipline to exercise for 45 min or you still think processed food are acceptable. This wellness program is not about turning you into a fitness model. It is about creating a lifestyle that will make you more productive and prolong your years with your family.
Finally we come to our lean body mass formula. This formula is important because it shows you how many pounds of body fat you need to lose for your fitness goals to be effective. Observe the following:
Compute your lean body mass for females. Phenom provides the following formula: (B x 0.732) - (W x 0.157) + (R / 3.14) + (F x 0.434) -- (H x 0.249) + 8.987. The variable B is your body weight, W is your waist, R is your wrist, F is your ...forearm and H is your hips. Assume that you weigh 144 lb., have a 31-inch waist, a 5-inch wrist, a 9-inch forearm and 35-inch hips. Your lean body mass is (144 x 0.732) - (31 x 0.157) + (5 / 3.14) + (9 x 0.434) -- (35 x 0.249) + 8.987 = 106 lb. Now subtract 106 from 144 and this is the number of pounds in body fat you stand to lose.
Calculate your lean body mass for males. Phenom provides the following formula: (B x 1.082) -- (4.15 x W) + 94.42. Assume that you weigh 194 lb. and have a 33-inch waist. Your lean body mass is (194 x 1.082) -- (4.15 x 33) + 94.42 = 167 lb. Now subtract 167 from 194 and this is the number of pounds in body fat you stand to lose.
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